30 May 2015

This month I have been mostly...

Listening to:
After watching the film God Help the Girl last month, I have been hooked on the soundtrack. I was a bit annoyed that it had quite a few interludes of dialogue on the CD, so I had to make a copy of the CD for the car with only the music on it, and I just transferred the music tracks to my phone as well (and I've done the same with the playlist below). I've been listening to it everywhere, and singing the songs even when I'm not listening to it!

After a bit of a reading slump, I got back into reading a bit more, and I've been reading mainly "real" books rather than on my Kindle. I discovered an amazing bookshop in St Andrews last month, so I had bought a few books there, and I've been tackling a few from my to-be-read shelf. I enjoyed The Lady and the Monk by Pico Iyer (from my to-be-read shelf), and The Peculiar Life of a Lonely Postman by Denis Theriault (which I picked up based on its cover!). And of course I've been making a start on some of the books I bought at the book sale!

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