09 March 2020

My Quantum Leap obsession

As part of my Leap Day celebration on the 29th February, I had a Quantum Leap binge-watch, and it has rekindled my interest (not that I'd ever lost it!) in my favourite TV show of all time!
I can still remember the first moment that I watched Quantum Leap. I turned on the TV and saw a man waking up with amnesia. I thought, "this looks like just the sort of crappy made-for-tv movie I love to watch" and kept watching. It wasn't until Al appeared that I realised this was the new sci-fi show I'd seen trailers for, and from that moment I was completely hooked!

The weird thing is the air date of this was Tuesday the 13th February 1990 (30 years ago last month!). But my memory is of watching it at my parents' house, and I wasn't there on that date, I was at uni, and there's no mention in my diary of watching it. I only had a black and white portable at uni, and I don't remember watching it in black and white. I can't find a repeat listed for that episode until the second series was starting, and I definitely watched the first series!
It just so happened that 1990 was also the year that I began studying Computer Science in my second year of university, and this was when I discovered the internet! I found my way to the usenet newsgroups where people were discussing Quantum Leap, and my obsession grew over the next few years to the extent that in 1994 I probably spent more time writing absolutely dreadful fan-fiction than writing my MSc dissertation!
I collected magazine articles, and the novels, which I thought I'd got rid of but have actually found ten of in my cupboard (don't know how many there were in total). I spent a lot of time taping episodes from TV. I'm pretty sure I phoned my parents when I woke up after the night out for the end of my MSc course, to check on a recording!
When videotapes were released, I bought those, and more recently the DVDs. Since some of the music has been altered in the DVD releases, I've also had a go at converting some of my old videos taped from the TV. Some of them worked, and on some the sound has gone out of sync with the picture, which I only realised after throwing the tapes away!

I've now got hooked again, and have started watching the whole series from the beginning!

1 comment:

토토사이트 said...

Amazing content, very interesting, ı will check again. Thank you for this post.

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