13 September 2015

Drawing happy people!

On a recent visit to Cass Art in Glasgow, I bought this cute book, Let's Draw Happy People by Sachiko Umoto. I love the step-by-step instructions it gives for drawing people (something I wanted to get better at), and I couldn't wait to get started!
I'm working my way through the book, and am about 1/3 of the way through. So far I've drawn boys, girls, princes, princesses, kings, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents and babies. It's great fun coming up with variations on the theme for each character, with different clothing or hairstyles.
My only complaint about the book would be that it seems a bit sexist in the section on working people, with male doctors, pilots, sports players, and astronauts, and female nurses, flight attendants, models and florists. I think my aim when I come to this part of the book is to draw each of these twice, once with each gender, so that I will have male and female doctors, astronauts, florists, models, and so on! 
I'm using fineliner pens to draw the figures, then adding colour with either brush pens or watercolours.

Doing these drawings is something I can do at lunchtimes at my desk, because it's quick and easy and doesn't need a lot of equipment. It's nice to be able to use my lunchtimes creatively.
My favourite so far is my self-portrait, wearing my green coat!

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