I've been seeing a lot of double exposure photos around recently. I started getting into the idea of doing my own when I saw some double-exposure self-portraits that Vivienne had done on Be Your Own Beloved. I'll be showing you some of my own double-exposure self-portraits tomorrow in my Sunday Self-portraits series, but today I'm showing you some from my travel photos.
My favourite is the photo of the maiko above, on which I overlaid a photo of a carpet of golden fallen ginkgo leaves in autumn.
These double exposures were really easy to do. I used this tutorial that I found through Pinterest. I used Photoshop, but I'm sure you could do the same in any photo editing software that lets you work with layers. You'll need a photo that is quite silhouetted, e.g a person or building, and another photo that is quite patterned, e.g. flowers or leaves.
It's really fun trying to choose photos to use, and seeing what works best. In future I will be taking some photos specifically for this, but it's great going through all my photos to look for ideas.

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