I wanted to wear something inspired by one of my favourite movies, Amelie, so first I had to re-watch the film and look at her outfits. I decided to sketch them as I went along. This was a bigger project than I had anticipated - I ended up with four pages of sketches, and that was not even including the clothes she wore as a child.
My interpretations of the outfits may not be perfect - I was watching on a portable TV while drawing in bed! It was difficult to tell the colours of some of the items - a jacket that looked red in one scene looked brown in another. If the outfit was only seen for a few seconds, or if it looked the same as an earlier one, I didn't bother drawing it.
For other Amelie inspired projects, have a look at this card I made, and this notebook!
And if you enjoyed the clothing illustrations here, how about having a look at my royal wedding drawings.

I just wrote about Amelie last week under the heading Jeunet's Amelie & Kieslowski's Veronique! Small world! Have a very good evening. A.F.
I really enjoyed reading your article - I have a little list in my notebook of parallels between these two movies! I had some of the same as on your list, and also:
Similar titles
Similar looking actress
Amelie helps the blind man, Veronique wants to help the old lady
Reflecting light between houses
Amelie sends a videotape, Veronique receives an audiotape
Amelie gives Nino clues to find her, the puppeteer gives Veronique clues to find him
Thank you, Emma!
Well, that's even more parallels between the two movies!
Feel free to add yourself to my Guestbook and put your blog details on as well.
I hope to visit Paris around the end of October. I might just trip past l'Epicerie de Monsieur Collignon and the Café des Deux Moulins while I'm in Montmartre! If I do, I'll remember to take some photos and put them on the website when I get back!
A bientot,
These sketches are great! Is it OK please, Emma, to add the connections you found to the existing list I have in Kieslowski's World and to mention your blog a bit, say tomorrow in my Diary? I think my visitors would love to see your sketches of Amelie! Your sketches are so very like what Amelie would have done! Thank you very much.
Yes, that would be great if you wanted to add the connections and mention my blog. I very much enjoyed looking at your site. I look forward to seeing the photos of Paris if you go there!
Thank you, Emma. I made mention of your fine blog this morning. Many thanks again and keep up the good work! A bientot. A.F.
Hi Emma, I have just popped over from Alexandre's blog 'Kieslowski's World'.
I love the character of Amélie, she is just a sweetheart how she sets about to make everything right in the world of her Father and her friends and to remedy some of the injustices that some have imposed on others. I just loved the film, it is a delightful adventure carried along by the beautiful music of Yann Tiersen.
I really like your sketches of Amélie and her outfits, quite a task you took on there as she has many wardrobe changes. I wasn't sure if the shoes she wore were Doc Marten's or not,I thought they might have been something lighter since she is on her feet a lot as a waitress, I did however notice how heavy they looked compared to her slender ankles.
That 'bob' hairdo is familiar to me as I had one just the same when I was young and my hair was a warm brown.
I love the photo of Amélie in the Zorro outfit, that is something I would have done when I was much younger, in fact I did have some photos taken in a booth, that was a popular thing to do.
I enjoyed reading your list of parallels between the two films, they are two of my favourites. ♡
So helpful!!! I have a dress up party tonight, and didn't have time to watch the movie, so yeah. Thank you :)
Hi! I'm having a "celebrity or Character" themed party for my birthday this year and decided to dress as Amelie, Audrey Tautou's character. I did a search on costumes and your blog came up, thanks for all the great outfit ideas! I'm sure I can put something together.
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