28 October 2007

Tiny town

I've been trying out a technique I discovered on Pingmag for making cityscape photos look like miniatures. I haven't quite mastered it yet, and my photos were perhaps not the best for this, but here's what I've come up with so far. The photos were all taken last year from the Lighthouse in Glasgow.

25 October 2007

Family apple pie

Just a little bit of silliness while I was waiting for the glue on another project to dry. It wasn't intentional, but the house ended up looking very much like the one on the TV show Pushing Daisies, which I love the visual style of (it's very much like my favourite film, Amelie).

Notebook doodles

Just a bit of doodling on the cover of a Moleskine cahier notebook.

Christmas card mass production

I haven't been posting much here recently, and one of the reasons is that I'm in the middle of making my Christmas cards. The design (which is still a secret!) is quite complex, and I'm beginning to wish I had chosen something simpler. So I might just make about 25 handmade ones and have the rest printed at Moo to the same design.

03 October 2007

Thank you, my mysterious benefactor!

Yesterday I was very puzzled to receive a card telling me there was a parcel waiting for me at the post office depot. I was even more puzzled when it turned out to be from Amazon - my latest order from them has not been dispatched yet and is due to be sent to my parents' house.

When I opened the package I found the Oxford Take Off in Japanese language learning pack which had been on my Amazon wishlist. A reader of my blog (I have a couple of ideas who it might be) has very kindly bought this for me.

So I want to say a big thank you to this mysterious person. I was needing something to keep me occupied over the winter months, so this will be perfect! I would love to thank the person responsible personally, so please get in touch if it is you!

And since this person mentioned my drawings, here are a few especially for you, whoever you are!
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