I visited The Meadows in Edinburgh for a second time, and the cherry blossom was looking much better!

I was preparing myself for a second year without my beloved book sale, then, the day after I mentioned it online, I discovered it was happening the following weekend, albeit in a reduced form. With jigsaws, toys and crime and sci-fi paperbacks, this was perfect for me! I was luckily near the front of the queue, and, since they only let 15 people in at a time, got a chance to have a good rummage! I came away with 4 bags full of jigsaws (and one book) in the space of 20 minutes, and left Edinburgh less than an hour after I’d arrived!
I started an online Hadrian’s Wall walking challenge with some of my old friends from school. I used to go on holiday a lot to this area as a child, so it was really interesting to “walk past” some of the places I’d visited back then.
I had afternoon tea with two of my dearest school friends in a gazebo at Balbirnie House. It felt poignant to me, because the last time I’d been there was after the funeral of another of our school friends. The company was great (it had been years since all three of us had got together), and the food was absolutely delicious! Luckily my dad drove me, so I was able to have a cocktail!

I've been doing plenty jigsaws, getting to the end of my gem picture, and constructed a Buildiverse kit (similar to Lego) of torii gates and cherry blossoms.
I read Sleeping with a Psychopath by Carolyn Woods, and finally read A Tale Etched in Blood and Hard Black Pencil by Christopher Brookmyre which my friend Katrina had recommended a few years ago.
I binge-watched the whole of Stranger Things season 3 in one day, and I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to get round to it!
The Mitchells vs The Machines was really good, and I cried even more watching it than I do watching The Railway Children, which is saying something!
I finished the music jar that I’ve been doing (picking out a random album to listen to each week), which was soundtracks and compilations. I may set up another one with all my playlists.
