Goodbye rotting wood, cracked single glazing, and ugly door
(with unused catflap) that has been known to need pliers to lock! This is the
reason I didn’t go on holiday this year – I was saving up for my new porch!
If you’re planning something like this yourself, it’s a good
idea to ask your friends and family who live locally for recommendations of a
company to carry out the work, and to read online reviews too. Also, talk to
your neighbours to let them know what’s going to be happening. And I found it
helpful to visit the company’s office to see glass samples, as I found it
difficult to judge the scale of the design online or in a brochure.
One thing I would definitely recommend is getting white
coloured finish on the inside. I hadn’t realised what a difference this would
make, compared to the dark wood I had before.
Taking down the heavy curtains, getting plain glass in the
windows (although I did get obscured glass in the door), and having a window in
the door, all added to the light coming into this area. I just added a thin
voile for privacy, but this is easily pulled back if I want to look out.
I painted the sides and back of the bookcase white, leaving
the wood shelves as they were. This also helps to lighten things up. This is
the bookcase where I keep some of my favourite vintage children’s books, and I
think the white helps to show them off better.
Being able to see out to the garden was something I’d looked
forward to when planning this project, but I hadn’t realised what an amazing and
emotional moment it would be when I did so for the first time. Seeing my garden
from a new vantage point has in itself made all the expense worthwhile!
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