I've heard a lot about bullet journals over the past few years, but I'd gone down the road of using a planner so I didn't think I needed a bullet journal as well. I don't know what finally made me decide to get one, but now I have and I love it!
I've never been a great one for using diaries (of the date-book variety), so I knew that part of using a bullet journal would just seem like a chore for me. I haven't updated my planner since about May! So I won't be doing any daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly spreads in my bullet journal.
Instead I'm using the bullet journal to record longer-term information. The sort of thing that I've had jotted down on index cards since the days of using a hipster PDA, which are now kept at the back of my planner. I liked the idea of having somewhere more permanent to record these things, and in an artistic way.
So far I've created spreads for:
Bullet journal page ideas
Chalet School books re-read
Books on my to-read shelf
Graph of books read
Pen tests
My favourite spread so far is my calendar of fun things to do each month. Some of these are seasonal things, like which plants are worth looking at that month, and others are annual events locally that I don't want to forget. My index card for these was completely full for the months of May and June, so I really needed to re-do it anyway.
It's really pretty! I did try a bullet journal in January last year but it only lasted till February and I changed to a diary with a notes pages each week instead . I just found it too much work but I absolutely love looking at other peoples pretty versions.
I can definitely understand that, I can't be bothered with doing monthly or weekly pages but I do love looking at what others have done with theirs :)
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