02 July 2014

The Glasgow School of Art fire

I was really sad to hear about the fire at Glasgow School of Art, (this is what has inspired my month of posts on the theme of Charles Rennie Mackintosh) and I went to Glasgow just over a week later to see the damage for myself. I'd been planning to draw the building in one of my Moleskine notebooks, but by mistake I took one that was already full up! Luckily I found a blank index card in the back pocket, so I was able to draw on this instead. It was a beautiful day and I was able to sit on a shady bench at the new building across the road. I also took lots of photos, and chatted to a lady who had been about on the day of the fire.

I'm really pleased that so much of the building was saved, and that lots of work will be put in to try to recreate the damaged parts. I'm also really impressed by the positive attitudes of the students I saw on the news recently whose work was damaged or destroyed.

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