28 September 2009

An old project

I just found out that I hadn't posted finished photos of the gesso panels I made two years ago. I think the reason for this was probably that I didn't love them, especially the antiquing which wasn't hugely successful. I didn't dislike them either. I want to make or buy some new pictures to take their place in my bedroom, but I haven't come up with anything else that I love either! The main problem being that I can't find frames and mounts that I like.


  1. I'm sure MMM locked her first efforts away in a cupboard...
    Having stood in front of her panels and been awed and humbled, I have nothing but admiration for your work. Ideally I would like to do something reasonably large, say 3 or 4 feet square. Sheila Tandy uses gesso soaked string to give a more consistent curve. I have many ideas, but I need a plan of action..., and a place to work.

  2. thanks for your flickr comments , i'm still finding my way around there so blogger is my default commenting spot till i get to know it better. . you've some gorgeous photos there.
