27 September 2009

Merchant City Festival

I spent yesterday at the Merchant City Festival in Glasgow, where there were continental markets and live music. There was also a colourful parade with many of the performers. This was quite challenging to photograph. The performers were dancing and moving all the time so it was difficult to get them in focus. I ended up following the parade for most of its route, rather than just standing in the one place and watching it go by as I had intended.


  1. What happened with the gesso panels? I have to assume you were not happy with the outcome. I'm thinking of doing something similar and would be most interested in any advice...

  2. You know, I had no idea that I hadn't posted the finished ones on my blog! I wouldn't say that I was disappointed in them, but I didn't love them either. They hung in my bedroom for over two years, and I've only just taken them down recently.
    I haven't really got a lot of advice - I really just experimented. I think the bit that I wasn't too happy with in the end was the antiquing effect - it was not strong enough in places and in others it ended up looking dirty! I'll put up a post now with some photos of them finished.

  3. Thank you Emma. I can see where the antiquing effect is unhappy. I have never tried to age a canvas, only sculpture where I use a shoe polishing brush with the merest hint of polish. I think you have done an excellent job with a medium that is known to be extremely difficult to work with.
    I lack your courage, but will produce something eventually.
