29 August 2009

Yellow raincoats, mad Scotsman and doggy poo!

My last day at the Fringe. The day started off with another photographer starting a conversation with me on the Royal Mile because I was carrying a camera - it was only when we exchanged cards that we realised we already knew of each other on Flickr.

Then as I was waiting to watch "Shut Up, Play" perform on one of the stages, a crazy Scotsman who had been posing for photos with them decided to take me for a waltz, and then demanded money because I'd taken his photo! I pleaded that I'd used all my cash on the bus, so he asked for a kiss instead - ugh! Thank you so much to the ladies who came up to me immediately afterwards to ask if I was OK! I think he got a talking-to from the Fringe staff after that!

Shut Up, Play were so much fun to watch and interact with. They love to have their photographs taken, and to take photos of themselves and their audience. After the performance a couple of them took their pictures with me. Immediately after that they and some other acts were filmed by MTv. I can't seem to find out when this will be shown on MTv though, so if anyone knows can you let me know!

I went to see The Dandelion's Story, the story of a doggy poo rejected by everyone until a dandelion seed comes along and transforms her. I wasn't sure at first whether to go and see this show, because it is a children's show. But I'd read some good reviews and I'd enjoyed A Love in Dream by the same company last year so I decided to give it a go. I'm really pleased that I did. I really want to thank one of the actresses, Na-Eun Park (who plays the Story Girl) because she had a long chat with me before the performance, and explained the story and the elements of Korean culture and tradition that had been worked into the performance.

I was really moved by the performance in all sorts of ways. It was very very funny in places, but I was moved to tears in other places. The actors are very welcoming to the audience, and sitting in the front row I found that they interacted with me a lot. The costumes are wonderful and inventive, and there are some wonderful lighting effects like using shadows projected through the backdrop, and hand-held lights that created an effect like dancing fireflies. The characters were wonderful, from the cuteness of the dog and the doggy poo, to the humour of the sparrow, the clod of earth and the hen and chicks. I agree with another reviewer who said that the sparrow reminded him of the Cat in Red Dwarf! There's a lot of depth to the story with ideas of reincarnation and self-worth. It was a really uplifting performance, and it's got a cute doggy poo so what more could you ask for!

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