21 August 2009


This is my first attempt at decorating a Munny. I started with a white Mini Munny, and decorated it using acrylic paints and gel mediums. I didn't set out to make it into a girl in a Totoro suit, because I knew that someone else had done that before and I didn't want it to seem like I was copying them. So I started to make it into a girl in a teddy bear suit, but when I came to make the ears I realised that it had more of the character of a Totoro in its face, so a Totoro it became!

I used a mixture of Coarse Pumice Gel and Extra Heavy Gel (Semi Gloss) by Golden to create the texture, then I mixed various colours of acrylic paint together to make the teal colour. The ears are made from Sculpey, and I also made a leaf from Sculpey and wood for her to hold.

1 comment:

  1. Loving it!
    Glad i could be of some inspiration to work on your mini munny!
    I must say i love yours more than mine. Now you inspire me again to get another one and do a better job at it this time!
