15 November 2018

Bullet journal ideas: Stickers, stamps and charms

I've been gathering so many fun stickers recently, so I decided to use them to fill up the back page and pocket of my bullet journal - it's full up already so I'll have to start another page! As well as stickers that I've bought or been given, I have quite the knack of carefully peeling stickers off packaging so that I can stick them in my bullet journal or my diary!
I recently made this bullet journal charm, in shades to match my journal, at a charm jewellery workshop with Nikki McWilliams - more on that in a few days' time! And the stickers I've added to the back of my journal are by her too!
I discovered I had quite a collection of Christmas stamps, so I created a display of these in my bullet journal.

And my inspiration page contains lots of stickers!

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