29 October 2018

Mixtape necklace

Here's how I made a fun 80s-style mixtape necklace!

Starting with an audio tape, I filled the holes with blu-tak and covered the window with washi tape, then spray-painted it on all sides with pink paint.
I removed the washi tape and blu-tak, then advanced the tape slightly so the tape showing at the bottom would be black not pink! I will maybe add a little glue at each side of this so the tape can't be pulled out.

I traced around where the paper label was, and cut two from patterned paper, then glued one on each side.

I cut some white paper and wrote on it with black Sharpie marker, glued this in place then went over all the paper with a coat of varnish (I would have used Mod Podge but mine had dried out!).

I removed the screws at the top of the tape and, using slightly longer screws of a similar size, screwed some brass picture-hanging loops in place.

Finally I added a chain.
Another, easier, option for making it into a necklace is to hang the tape upside down, threading a cord through the holes.

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