19 October 2018

80s make-up and style books

I still have my favourite makeup book from the 1980s, by Barbara Daly, who was the makeup artist for Princess Diana. It’s a book I keep looking back at, because I really love the looks in it. Although the makeup styles are meant to be for different skin tones and eye and hair colours, I’ve tried most of them in my time! 

I picked up the book about scarf tying a few years ago, but I’m sure it’s one that I used to have many years ago! I keep meaning to wear my scarves more, so I really need to make use of this book! 

The Vogue book More Dash than Cash, is one I’m sure I used to get out of the library, and I can think exactly where it would have been on the shelves there! Looking at it, it was actually published in the 1990s, but many of the outfits are from the 80s. Perhaps this book was one of the things that got me into scouring charity shops for clothes, because Mum reckons I wouldn’t set foot in one until I was a student! One of my first charity shop memories certainly dates from about that era, when me, my brother, and my holiday friend Fiona were hunting for flat caps and waistcoats and I found a cropped white short-sleeved Windsmoor denim-style jacket (but lovely soft cotton) that I so wish I still had!


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