26 August 2018

Sending postcards

As well as collecting postcards for myself, I've been sending some to friends old and new. 

I was really touched when one of my postcards went down particularly well. I'd found two copies of a vintage postcard of the Coylumbridge Hotel where my parents went on their honeymoon, and I thought my Instagram friend Megan would like one as she likes postcards of that style. I was really moved when she messaged me to say that it's the best postcard ever, because her family's been going there since she was a baby!

Something else I've been trying is Postcrossing. I'd heard it discussed on the Postcard from the Past podcast, and thought I'd give it a try. You are given the address of someone somewhere in the world, send them a postcard, and then you receive one from another random person. I've sent a couple so far. I'm not sure if I'll keep going, though, as it seems from the forums that some people get annoyed if you don't send them the type of postcard they want (even though you're not supposed to mention what you want in your profile!).

I keep the postcards that I'd like to send together in a separate box from those I want to keep. They're usually ones that I have duplicates of, or can easily get more copies of, or ones that I've bought with a specific person in mind. I also keep stamps with them, decorative stickers, and a pen, so that when the mood strikes I have everything I need.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of Postcrossing before but it seems like a good idea, despite the picky people, since you can send someone a little piece of an area they've probably never been to before.
