09 July 2018

St Ninian's Charity Shop jumble sale

I joined the board of trustees of my local charity shop earlier this year, and we decided that we would hold a jumble sale at around the time of the 70th birthday of the town. Since Glenrothes was founded in 1948 I got myself dressed in 1940s style, which got me the job of going round handing out leaflets to passers by! Luckily it was a lovely day.
The jumble sale was a huge success, with a massive queue stretching through the shopping centre when it was about to open. And for a while after opening it was almost impossible to move inside!
I had a great time, and got some good bargains. I really hope we can do something like this again!


1 comment:

  1. I am a charity shop addict so I would have loved to have attended your event!
