27 June 2018

Edinburgh Colonies yard sale

I first heard last year about the Colonies Yard Sale, which is held in the Stockbridge Colonies in Edinburgh, but this was my first time attending.
Luckily it was yet another gorgeous day! The yard sale was a great opportunity to have a nosey inside all the lovely gardens in the area. There are about 10 streets in the colonies, and there were probably at least 5 stalls per street. The whole place had a great buzz. And the lilacs growing in the gardens had an amazing scent.
I seemed to be going round the stalls at the same pace as a woman I met in the first street, so we chatted along the way about our finds. I also met someone who’d been on the Glenrothes architecture walk (and met her again at the Meadows Festival, we reckon we must have similar interests!).
The stalls were of all sorts. I loved those where people were having a clear-out, and I could find old books and other interesting items. I was delighted by how many people were selling artwork or crafts – it must be the sort of place that creative people like to live! And there were cakes and other foodstuffs.
I got some great bargains! I got some books to add to my natural history collection, some little toys, a couple of pieces of pottery, and a lino print of the colonies themselves (and luckily I had the perfect frame for it!).
After all that a glass of homemade lemonade was in order. I also got some wild garlic pesto, which I had to carry carefully all the way home on the bus!

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