21 June 2018

Christian Aid book sale 2018 part 2

This year, as well as going to the sale at St Andrew’s and St George’s on the Saturday, I went on the Monday to all three sales (the others being at Holy Corner and Nicholson Square). I didn’t get a huge lot at the other two, so I’m not sure if I’ll go back. But I do love going back to the St Andrew’s and St George’s one when it’s quieter so I can have a good look at the ephemera section without having to fight my way in! 
I got some amazing retro finds including a jewellery making catalogue from the year I was born, a Curly Wurly badge, and some cookbooks.

Some other great finds were on architecture. I'm really interested in post-war architecture, so two of the books were great for that, and another on the National Trust for Scotland's little houses had lots of local interest.

I also found some great natural history booklets that have fold-out illustrations at the back, some lovely illustrated Japanese postcards, and a book about weaving in Peru (really interesting because I've seen traditional weavers at work there!).

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