01 May 2018

Sea glass favourites

Today I'm starting a whole month that will be packed full of posts about my beachcombing finds! My recent obsession with beachcombing was started by my holiday in Italy in 2015, when I picked up my first sea glass. Little did I know that Fife, where I live, is one of the best places to find it!
Early this year I started following someone on Instagram who collects sea glass, and since seeing her finds there's hardly been a weekend that I haven't been at a beach!
I've started to get much more fussy about what I pick up. My favourite pieces of sea glass are thick, well-rounded, really frosty, and very tactile. I haven't included marbles and stoppers here, because they will feature in posts of their own!
I love the way that the different pieces of clear glass are actually subtle colours of grey, lilac, cream, and pale green. 
I think my overall favourite is the pale grey nipple-shaped piece!

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