29 April 2018

This month I have been mostly...

I've discovered a new podcast called The Boring Talks and it is the most interesting thing ever! I've always had the attitude that hearing someone be enthusiastic about a subject can make the most boring topic interesting, and this is certainly the case with The Boring Talks. Whether it be documenting sneezes or working out Amazon's book pricing algorithm, the speakers' interest in their subject really comes across. I've particularly liked the ones on working out the date of the earth's destruction in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, green belts (I pretty much love anything John Grindrod does), model villages, book pricing, and Danish public information films!

I'm on the final push to finish my reread of the Chalet School books before this year's Christian Aid book sale in May, so I've not really been reading anything else. The books towards the end of the series are not my favourites, though, as EBD had hit on the formula of a new girl arriving at school, and it gets a bit boring after a while, especially as these are characters that only really appear to any great extent in one book so I have no great nostalgia about any of them. Also, Joey seems to acquire a new member of the family in just about every one of these late books (maybe it's to make up for not ever having the quadruplets she always threatened to have!). I will be sad to finish the series, though, and I'll be tempted to start all over again at the beginning!

And for a complete contrast I decided to read two books that I've meant to read for years, and which have been adapted for tv/film recently. I always like to read a book before I watch the adaptation. The first of these was Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, which was an amazing trip into my 1980s teenage years, with references to all my favourite films, tv series, and games. I loved the characters and the storyline, and I did cry a little at the end! The other was The City & The City by China MiĆ©ville, which I found totally mindblowing and which has jumped straight onto my favourites shelf. The idea of the two cities was so clever. I couldn't stop thinking about it when I wasn't reading it, and couldn't stop reading it when I was!

I've really been glued to Marcella again this series. I just watched it in hope of a resolution to the storyline about her blackouts, but became so hooked on everything else that was going on! After the tedium of finishing off watching Modus, I was a bit reticent about starting the next Scandi series, Below the Surface, but I actually really enjoyed it! With my parents I've been re-watching my Teachers DVDs, and we also re-watched season 2 of Line of Duty. And I finished my re-watch of Knight Rider, and felt said that it was finished so I quickly retrieved some of my favourites from my TiVo's deleted items folder!

Adding to my patch collection, and trying to decide which patches to sew on a denim tunic and which on my backpack. I've also been collecting more sea glass and pottery, and trying to work out how to store and display it! And I chopped a few inches off my hair.

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