25 April 2018


When I heard that Simbrix are a bit like Hama beads but reusable and don't need to be ironed, I had to order them straight away, and I have to say that I am loving them! They really hold together well and you don't have to be gentle with the finished product like you do with melty beads.
My first project was a coaster inspired by this picture by little_bitsnbobbins on Instagram, which was where I'd come across Simbrix. I loved her retro design, but didn't want to copy it, so instead I took inspiration from the cushion in the background of the picture.

I next used some of the designs in the pack of cards that came with the Simbrix, to make some flasks and a test tube. Then I thought it would be fun to join the three together to form the mega coaster you see at the top of this post.
Now I just have to think of some more of my own designs! And possibly get another, larger pack of Simbrix!

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