06 April 2018

Observer's Books

Over the past year or so I've started a collection of Observer's Books. These little hardbacks are something I've been aware of for most of my life, because my mum has the Weather book and the photos in it were always fascinating to look at. I also had a more recent edition of the Wild Flowers book, and as a child I would write in it when I'd seen each of the plants.
I decided sometime last year that I'd like to start a collection of the books, after seeing them used in Instagram photos a lot! I loved the idea that they are stylish objects as well as being full of useful information.
I've started my collection by concentrating on the natural history themed books. I've done well so far at picking them up in second-hand shops and book sales, and I think the most I have paid for one is £2.50.
Now that my collection is growing, I need a way of keeping track of it, so I as usual turned to my bullet journal. It was easy to create four columns for the books, because there are exactly 100 of them! I added illustrations at the top, and for each book I have I'm colouring in the square with the colour of the cover, which will make the pages lovely and colourful!

1 comment:

  1. They are beautiful, I love the look of old hard backed books on the shelf.
    I know we just google everything nowadays but isn't it lovely to just pick up a book with actual pages sometimes?!
