20 August 2014

Yellow dyed cushions

Some of the cushions in my living room were looking a bit tired, so I decided to liven them up with some fabric dye!

I chose a dye that could be used in the washing machine, and it was a quick and easy way of doing it - one wash with the dye, another one after that, and then the cushion covers came out and I ran the washing machine empty to remove any traces of dye. It was fun waiting to see how the colour would come out on the cushions!

I was really happy with how they turned out - one of the floor cushions came out a lovely bright yellow, the other (which was a darker beige to begin with) was a slightly darker more mustardy colour, and the best of all was the smaller cushion with the textured fabric - it came out with some parts yellow and some parts remaining cream!

I really enjoyed doing this, and now I'm looking around my house for other things I could dye!

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