24 August 2014

I love... retro!

As a child of the 1970s, I really love anything with a retro design, and this is just a random selection of photos I found on my computer with a retro theme - I'm sure this is a theme I will revisit in future with even more photos! Above is a cookbook I found in a charity shop, in fact I saw it in the window of a closed charity shop and had to go back another day when the shop was open! It reminds me of the packaging of the Pippa dolls that I collected.
This is a detail of an old poster at work, showing the formation of oil. I loved this particular shape, and would like to try making a piece of jewellery inspired by it.

 I couldn't resist taking a photo of this poster in Ikea, it's got such a retro feel to it!

This teapot was a recent find in a charity shop, and the yellow is just what I wanted to fit in with my kitchen makeover.

These are some books I rescued from being thrown out at work! The Book of Experiments was one I loved borrowing from the library as a child, so I was really pleased to find it, and the other one has photos of 60s architecture that reminds me of the school I attended and the one I work at.

These are two of my favourite childhood books, which I recently tracked down and bought online.

I really love my Viewmaster, which I found for a ridiculously cheap price at a charity sale, along with lots of the reels, including this one with some great old photos of Edinburgh.

This box was a find at an antiques fair, and the picture shows Seefeld which was a lovely village I visited in Austria.

I love the covers of these old sound effects LPs we have at work.

If you'd like to try a retro-inspired project, how about this 1970s felt pincushion.

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