11 August 2014

How to make farmer's cheese

Hi and welcome to the start of 5 days of food and drink on emuse! Today I'm starting off by showing a bit of cheese making, which was a lot easier than I thought!

I hadn't realised that you could make a simple cheese at home until I came across a cheese making kit on Etsy and ordered it for my dad and brother's birthdays. My dad had great fun using his, and I enjoyed the cheese that he made. Then I saw Rachel Khoo on TV making a similar cheese, and rather than using citric acid she used lemon juice, which is a bit easier to obtain. I decided then to try making my own. Here's what I did:

1. Bring the milk almost to a boil.

2. Remove from the heat and add lemon juice until it begins to separate (it didn't need much).

3. Put a square of muslin in a colander, and pour the contents of the pan into this.

5. Gather the ends of the muslin, tie with a bit of string, and hang from your tap! Or you could leave it in the colander, over a bowl. You can give it a little squeeze occasionally, but wait until it has cooled for a while!

After a few hours, your cheese will be ready! I scooped mine into a couple of containers to keep in the fridge.

I served my cheese with some crusty bread, some tasty tomatoes, a sprinkling of oregano and black pepper. It is a mild and creamy cheese.

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