04 August 2014

Flower comb

This was my first attempt at making nail polish flowers (although you've seen my Glasgow rose earrings already). I was inspired by the colours of a beautiful tiara made of nail polish flowers (sadly I can't find the original source of it to link to).

This is how to make the comb:

1. Form wire into a flower shape, and cut off leaving a stem to support it.
2. Paint nail polish into each individual petal.
3. Leave to dry (I supported mine in some vintage cotton reels).
4. Wind the stem of each flower around a comb, arranging them to sit at different heights.
5. Take a length of wire and wind over where you've already wound the wire - this covers any jaggy ends. Tuck the ends of this piece of wire in.


  1. Does the polish form the film on its own

  2. Yes, as long as the areas to be filled are small enough, the surface tension of the nail polish magically makes it fill the space. It sometimes takes a few attempts to get it to do it.

  3. On my blog I have also made those flowers (step by step: http://creative-days.blogspot.be/2014/04/nail-polish-flowers-kwiatki-z-lakieru.html ) and I didn't know exactly what to do with them. Your idea is really cool!

  4. Thank you, and it love the colour of your flowers!
