10 July 2014

Mum's Charles Rennie Mackintosh dollshouse

Some years ago Mum and I both got into building and decorating this particular model of dollshouse, and between the two of us we did five of them! 
Here's what Mum had to say about her dollshouse (she's probably forgotten she wrote this, it was on my old website!):

"We had to go to the other side of the country, to Helensburgh to be precise, to get the Buttercup Kits. Helensburgh just happens to be where the Hill House is situated, which is one of the finest examples of the work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and was the inspiration for this house. Although his designs are now well known in jewellery, he was primarily an architect, and many examples of his work can be seen in Glasgow, the Glasgow College of Art being one."
"It is possible to buy Mackintosh dollshouse furniture but it tends to be very high class and expensive, so most of the pieces in my house are handmade, and many hours of fun Emma and I had making them."
"I have gone for the minimalist look here, with just a few items such as the bowl of apples, the water pitcher and the glass hurricane lamp as points of interest. The house exterior is painted to resemble the Hill House and Emma made the bluebirds in the nest box on the gable end. As with the schoolhouse there are as yet no occupants. When they do move in they will however have a ready made family, as there is now a old fashioned pram with a baby in it at the front door."

1 comment:

  1. This is the most perfect thing I have ever seen!! Wow I love it
