17 June 2014

Book Review: Design Bloggers at Home

I love looking at the bloggers' homes in this book, Design Bloggers at Home by Ellie Tennant. So often on the net we scroll so quickly and don't take time to properly look at things, so it's great having a book like this that makes me take my time and look more closely.

There are so many beautiful design elements in these houses that I'd like to try in my own home. And there's a lot of retro style in the homes, which is something I really love.

I love the fact that the bloggers share their tips on blogging, they gave me some great inspiration when I was making changes to my blog recently. There's also a whole section on blogging at the back of the book, which was really useful.

Because the author and the photographer visited all the homes, the style of photography is consistent across the book, and I think this really adds to the beauty of the book.

This is a really gorgeous book, and it also introduced me to some blogs I hadn't read before.

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