29 May 2014

Retrocraft: Altair postcards

When I saw this book of postcards a few years ago I couldn't resist them, because I used to love the Altair colouring books when I was a child. They are wonderfully complex designs of stars, triangles and other shapes, which seem to change shape in front of your eyes as you look at them. There's a really interesting history of them on Altair's website (click Altair design at the top of the page to read it).

I suppose it's not surprising that one of the parts of my Chemistry degree I most liked was about close packing arrangements in crystal structures, because these colouring books are based on close packing theories!

Although I've had the postcards for a few years, I've only just now got round to starting to colour them in! I think a few of them framed would look good together.

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