24 May 2014

Glasgow School of Art

I was so sad yesterday to see the news about the devastating fire at Glasgow School of Art's Mackintosh Building, one of Scotland's most beautiful and significant buildings. I was glad to hear everyone got out safely, but so sorry for the students who have lost their work. Although it looks like much of the structure of the building can be saved, sadly the library, one of the greatest features of the building, has been lost.

I was planning to visit Glasgow School of Art next month, and was looking forward to walking through the Mackintosh Building once again, one of my favourite places ever. I've always had a fascination with Charles Rennie Mackintosh's work, and Glasgow School of Art is his greatest masterpiece. And going on a guided tour of the building gave me an even deeper appreciation of his work, with its symbolism from nature and Japanese design.

Here are some sketches that I did on the guided tour (because photos were not allowed), some other sketches based on the building from my jewellery design sketchbook, and a picture of the postcards and leaflet from my first visit.

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