27 May 2014

Course review: Blog Life

This month I've been studying an e-course on blogging, Blog Life, run by one of my favourite blogs, A Beautiful Mess. I've been reading the blog for a few years now, after coming across it a couple of times while searching for photography related ideas, although I'd heard of Elsie from when I used to do scrapbooking.

This course came along at just the right time for me, when I had just done a major redesign of my blog and was looking at ways to attract more readers.

At first I was unsure if taking a course about making a living from blogging would be right for me. After all, I have been averaging under 100 page views a day, and didn't really see my blog as a business idea! But, as with the book Craft Show & Sell that I recently reviewed, this course has a lot to offer even the hobbyist blogger.

I've learned loads from the course about what content I should be concentrating on, how to work with my own strengths, identifying my audience, being original, engaging readers, etc. It's not at all airy-fairy, it's full of real, practical tips, some that I can start putting into practice straight away, and others that will be useful to me in the future when my blog has grown some more. And there's a real honesty and integrity to their recommendations - so much advice I've seen online just advises leaving loads of comments and joining linky parties, but this course approaches networking in a non attention-seeky but friendly way.

I love reading ABM on a daily basis, but after doing this course I feel like I know Elsie and Emma even better than before - you certainly engaged this reader, ladies!

I hugely enjoyed this course, and found it well worth the money. And I might sign up for their blog design course next month too - even though I've done a lot of work on designing my blog, I'm interested in learning more.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Could you elaborate more about what the course covers and how in depth it goes? I have been eyeing this course for a while, but since it is 1) a kinda old course, and 2) not super detailed in their shop; I've had trouble deciding other it would be worth it for me or not because I'm unsure how actionable their advice is, and how basic and for newbies it is or not :/

