24 December 2013

Kyoto day 3

Monday 18th November

I got a bus to Gion, went into Yasaka Shrine again, then headed to Kiyomizu temple. I went along Ishibei-koji, a narrow street with traditional buildings, which was lovely and very quiet, then as I went up Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka things got progressively busier. There were lots of souvenir shops along the way, including one with Studio Ghibli stuff, so I bought a few things along the way!

When I arrived at Kiyomizu, I first went into Tainai-Meguri. You take your shoes off and walk down some stairs, then along a route that twists and turns through complete and utter darkness with only a beaded handrail to guide you. Then you reach a large stone that you spin round.

Kiyomizu itself had spectacular views over the city, and is a stunning building. The autumn colours were looking good, and there were lots of people walking about in kimono.

I walked down Chawanzaka, then went shopping along Shijo street and in the arcades, and I also bought a cheap second-hand kimono in a shop my friend had shown me. Later I went walking in Gion and had another look at the shops - I managed to find a Japanese sewing magazine I'd been looking for, and a Blythe sewing book.

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