31 December 2013

Kyoto day 11

Monday 25th November

I left bright and early for the flea market at Kitano Tenmangu shrine. When I got there at about 8.30, the stallholders were still setting up, but by the time I'd had a look around the shrine itself things were getting busier. There were some of the same stalls as at Toji, but a lot of different ones too. I'd say it was slightly more antiquey and traditional at Kitano Tenmangu - I saw lots of kokeshi dolls this time! I was very tempted by some doll sewing magazines, but I was starting to worry about the weight of my suitcase!

I also had a look at Hirano shrine, and around the Kamishichiken area.

In the afternoon I took the subway to the Imperial Park. It had been raining when I set out, but by the time I got there it was a complete downpour, and just got heavier still as I looked around the park. I sheltered in the tiny Itsukushima shrine island with a little old man and his two cats. The one sitting in his lap was called Tora (Tiger). I also had a look at another small shrine, Munakata, where a couple were having their wedding photos taken on the one day of torrential rain in two weeks of glorious weather! I did enjoy seeing some weather other than bright sunshine, but by the time I got back to my hotel I was wet through and had only explored a fraction of the park - maybe I should have gone to the Manga Museum instead!

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