13 May 2012

Christian Aid book sale 2012

Yesterday I went to the Christian Aid booksale in Edinburgh. Here's what I bought:

A Book of Good Tidings by Joan Walsh Anglund £2
Swan Lake £2
Bradbury's Book of Hallmarks £1
Japan at a Glance £3
Hiroshige and Japanese Landscapes £2
Italic Handwriting by Tom Gourdie £2
Minou le Chaton £1
The Lady and the Monk by Pico Iyer £2
Guide to Shooting Great Travel Pictures £1
The Beauty of Japan £2.50
The Andes £3
Photo cube 20p

And for a total of about £3 from the Children's section:
More Things to Make
Little Thoughts go Rhyming
The River at Green Knowe
Two Sams at the Chalet School
World Dolls Series books - Holland, Norway, England, Ireland, Germany

I'd pretty much given up on finding the last four Chalet School books that I need to find for a decent price, then I spotted one of them in a pile that one of the staff was carrying. Unfortunately they were already sold, but the lady who was buying them pointed me in the right direction and I found one that I needed!

 I had soup and a roll and some tablet for lunch downstairs, and it was very good. Later on I bumped into Marceline who I'd emailed to tell about the sale after reading her zine about books. Luckily it was lovely weather for me going to this year's sale.


1 comment:

  1. wow, you got some great stuff! hope you enjoy The River at Green Knowe :)
