26 April 2011

Royal Wedding memorabilia

My souvenirs from Charles & Diana's wedding include postcards, a first day cover, a Ladybird book, the commemorative coin, and a photo album full of newspaper clippings from their engagement up to Prince William's birth. I used to have the supplements from lots of the newspapers about the wedding - I don't know why I ever got rid of them. I also used to have a book of photos of Diana, but must have got rid of that too.

The Charles and Diana book was found in my local charity shop last year, and the deciding factor that made me buy it was the dozens of newspaper clippings hidden in the back. It's quite sad to think of someone spending time cutting all these out of newspapers, only for them to eventually end up in a charity shop.

From Andrew & Sarah's wedding I have a newspaper supplement, the Ladybird book, and postcards.

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