24 May 2010

Dundee degree show

Yesterday I went to the degree show at Duncan of Jordanstone. I was pleased that the show was back in the art college building this year. The things that stood out for me were:
Zuzannna Bukala's amazing wooden dolls. They are a wonderful mix of traditional and modern, and they are the sort of thing I would love to buy if they ever go into production.
Sarah Bissell's illustrated Synaesthete's Alphabet was particularly interesting to me because I have synaesthesia.
Johanne Cameron's illustrations
Naomi Archibald's paintings
Meg Park's animation Kahani
Kelly Gray's paintings of road signs
Ian Ritch and Alison Mehta's pop-up book
Linsey McGregor's paper jewellery was fantastic - it reminded me how much I enjoyed experimenting with paper at the paper engineering course last year. Her pieces were very tactile and sculptural, and I would have been interested in seeing how some of the shapes would translate into precious metals. I also was interested in the work that she had done within a school, encouraging children to come up with their own wearable paper art.

Just a tiny rant - I really wish that artists who are having degree shows would make sure that they have a website (even a blog, it isn't difficult to set up) and that they have the correct address printed on their postcards. I always like to give credit to those artists whose work I particularly enjoyed, and some of them don't make it easy!


  1. Thank-you very much for liking and mentioning the pop-up book!
    I would like to point out however that it was a joint project with Alison Mehta and I couldn't have done it without her.
    Thanks again!

  2. Thanks for the comment - I've added Alison's name to the post.
