08 May 2010

Christian Aid book sale 2010

This is my fourth year blogging about the Christian Aid booksale at St Andrew's and St George's Church in Edinburgh. I wasn't sure if I was going to go, because last weekend was so busy, but I'm glad I did!

I bought:
A pair of Korean dolls £5
A tiny Swedish Dala horse (I've wanted one for ages) 50p
90-Day Geisha by Chelsea Haywood £1.50
Hotel World by Ali Smith £1.50
Out by Natsuo Kirino £1.50
Kyoto Gardens £1.50
Origami Birds (which is so cute and retro) 50p
The Courtesan and the Samurai by Lesley Downer (which was on my Amazon wishlist, and is by the same author as a book I bought last year at the sale)£2
A Japanese print £30
A pair of Japanese geta sandals £6
A grand total of £49, which is not as much over budget as I thought (I usually try to stay under £40, but the Japanese print pushed it up a bit this time!)

When I sat down to have my lunch, I discovered I was right next to a Japanese print, and decided to think about it over lunch. Then someone bought it while I was still eating! Then I went round a corner and discovered some unframed Japanese prints. The prints were £30 each so I thought long and hard before I bought this one, and I'm glad I did. It's got cherry blossom on it!

And I'm so pleased to have a pair of Japanese geta at last. They are fun to walk around in although I didn't really buy them to wear!

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