22 October 2009

The Wave

This is the second Munny that I've decorated - it's based on the famous Japanese woodblock print The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Katsushika Hokusai. It's twice the size of the other Munny (which was a mini-Munny) and although I enjoyed working at this size, I think any more I do will be mini ones. It glows in the dark, so it was fun to come up with a design that would work in both light and dark.

The paint went on a bit blobby (I think because all my paintbrushes have seen better days) but I liked the cartoony effect that this gave. I used a combination of three different paints for the blue areas - Cerulean Blue, Phthalo Blue, and Interference Green which gave a lovely sheen. I'm happier with how the face turned out on this one - I think it's cuter.


  1. Hey Emma!
    This Munny is really cute~
    Where do you get those things from? Or was it made all by yourself?
    ...you always have sooo cute stuff..
    May I ask where are you living?
    Because in my town it would be impossible to get something like that ^^"

    Lots of greets!

    PS: Sorry for my bad English

  2. Hi Juliette

    I live in Scotland, and I was able to buy the Munnys at a couple of shops in Glasgow (I wouldn't be able to find stuff like that in the town where I live either!). But you could always buy them online (I buy a lot of cute things online like the Blythe dolls, Piu Piu birds etc).

